LIFETIME LEARNING INSTITUTE KENYA (CBO) P.O BOX 222-30600 KAPENGURIA KENYA CONSTITUTION 2024. We the Members of LIFETIME LEARNING INSTITUTE KENYA (LLIK) CBO Acknowledging the Supremacy of the almighty God of all creation Honoring all people of Good will that have cared for the good of humanity Proud of our racial, ethnic, political, religious, orientation and gender diversity Respectful of the human dignity and our natural environment Committed to offer educational services and connecting young people to opportunities in the national and international space Recognizing the aspirations of our members based on LIFETIME LEARNING INSTITUTE Vision, Mission, Core Values, guiding scripture and our philosophical orientation. Exercising our Inalienable right to association, organized assembly and responsibility to champion for public good Adopt, enact and give this constitution to ourselves as individuals and as a team having participated fully in the making of this constitution Foundation, the organization is founded by Torbjörn Alander 2024 with family and work under Licenses, Protection, Development, Goodwill and Care for to this and next generations for the good of Education development and Lifetime Learning. ARTICLE II: VISION, MISSION AND OBJECTIVES OF LLIK Vision To be a leading institution that provides quality advanced digital and technical education linking young people to opportunities in the national and international digital and physical space MISSION To contribute towards transformation of communities through advanced digital and technical education connecting young people to lifetime opportunities in the digital and physical space CORE VALUES Diligence – We will undertake our duties with extra caution, care and hardworking spirit in reference to ethical values and ethos Accountability – We are committed to account to all our stakeholders in understanding that we are obligated to report, explain, and be answerable for resulting consequences of our actions, decisions and products Team Spirit –We will carry out our responsibilities with a feeling of pride and loyalty that will make our team to do well and be the best Honesty – We will deal fairly and truthfully, with those we meet and endeavor to leave them with compassionate memorable experiences. Voluntarism – We believe in a service driven team spirit in offering our services at no specific attached cost and always go an extra mile beyond what we earn. In pursuing our Vision and Mission we will not limit God’s divine guidance in propelling LLIK. We are committed not to take the Glory but dedicate LLIK work to the almighty God. LLIK Statutory obligations LLIK is subject to the Government of Kenya Statutory obligations and regulations as stipulated under Public Benefit Organizations Act 2013 in reference to taxation, labor laws and public order. Additionally, LLIK is guided by its internal constitution, policies, systems and procedures developed and approved by the board. LLIK Goals and Objectives The main goal of LIFETIME LEARNING INSTITUTE KENYA is to empower young people through advanced digital and technical education and to connect them to opportunities in international digital and physical space. i. To provide quality digital and technical education to the young people of Kenya and connect them to opportunities in the digital and physical space ii. To support schools with computers and train teachers to teach students on computer and digital education iii. To engage in activities that generate community knowledge on opportunities in the digital and physical space iv. To engage meaningfully in partnership with other stakeholders in the development of virtual, cyber security and Artificial Intelligence education hence promoting cyber governance, research and consultancy v. To support Children’s homes with food, clothing, shelter and digital infrastructure for children to interact with computers at an early age to enable them be cyber experts and enjoy employment opportunities in the digital and physical space as adults vi. To empower young people in distress with technical skills for survival in Building and construction, Tailoring, Carpentry, marketing and other skills Our Guiding Scripture Hosea 4:6: My people have perished for lack of knowledge Our Philosophical Orientation The world is going virtual hence shrinking the globe into a digital village this has expanded opportunities for work in the global cyber and physical space. With emergence of Artificial Intelligence, a new era has created even limitless opportunities and threats in the cyber space. The globe is facing increased cyber-attacks as a new model of war, this has occasioned the need for Cyber Defense thus opening new fronts of opportunities for young people. LLIK philosophical orientation is premised on the fact that there is a need for developing and promoting educational packages in virtual, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security in order build up a force of Experts to help promote cyber works, Artificial Intelligence practice and to defend nations against cyber-attacks. To contribute towards building Virtual, Artificial intelligence and Cyber security workforce LLIK will be building knowledge, skills and expertise to enable young people to utilize the opportunities in this space. LLIK will enable young people of Kenya to achieve international certification standards for Virtual, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security Experts thus enabling them to get employment in the cyber space.